Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The Poop Post

You've been warned.

We met a pet sitter, went to the Zoo, had a happy morning, yadda yadda. A is particularly smiley and happy today.

Then A pooped more than I think he's ever pooped. It was not contained by the diaper or the onesie (Hanna freaking Andersson, of course, because he only has blow-outs in Hanna freaking Andersson, not the cheap stuff) and was barely contained by the pants. It was the first time he's been so filthy that I just put him in the bathtub instead of trying to wipe him up.

We had a bath, cleaned him up, and fifteen minutes later we have another poop blow-out (in Old Navy, not Hanna).

Fine. I wipe him up, get him dressed in outfit number 3 (resale, so we're safe, right?), and we play. He's standing and teething on everything and is happy. We play Superman, where I hold him over my head horizontally and cheer him on. He's laughing and giggling and boy is the world a fabulous place when he's laughing.

He spits up all over my face.


Jack and Lexi's Mom said...

If he isn't peeing in your mouth, you can consider yourself lucky.

Miss Kim said...

You know, he's peed in my mouth before. If he'd peed in my mouth this day, I would have lost it.