Thursday, February 18, 2010

"I'm doing the princess thing!"

We're all better here. I should say, we all are better here. We're not all better here. Damned modifiers. But we're better than we were. A's been back at school for two days, and I'm not hopped up on enough decongestant to knock out an elephant.

I hit AmVets this morning with the L-man. He's getting so big so fast that it's nice to stop in and see if I can get anything for him on the cheap. Today, I scored shirts for A with a couple rompers (hello, Hanna Andersson romper for $1.50) for L.

When I got A home, he asked me what was in the bag. "Shirts for you, a couple things for L."

"Oh, let me see," he said. And he went through the bag, trying on shirts. When he got to the one decided was his favorite, he spun around slowly with his arms flung out to each side, like Julie Andrews in the Alps. "Look, Mommy, I'm a princess! I'm doing the princess thing!"


Chris said...

How does he even know what the "princess thing" is? What are they teaching him in that school?

Miss Kim said...

I think it may be from Beauty and the Beast. That's the closest princess thing I can think of him seeing.

Jack and Lexi's Mom said...

He should visit with Lexi and Rylee. They have the "princess thing" down!