Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Visitors and overtime and miracles happening

This is where we are: swinging wildly on the pendulum of visitors (yay, visitors) and overtime (boo, overtime).

Friends of ours who are expecting their first baby had her water break at 8 weeks to go. They've been able to stabilize her, get steroids into the bambino, and are hoping to keep her stabilized for another week or so to give the kid as much in-oven time as possible.

She just posted about it on Facebook, and I was shocked by the tone of the responses. I don't know why. They were mostly in the "praying for you, much love, thoughts are with you," category. It's not like I was expecting nasty comments, but there was something about the tone that reminded me of people dealing with bad stuff, like they'd announced a cancer diagnosis or something truly awful.

Now, yes, preemies have issues and I get that. But it didn't occur to me--and this might be because they are at a relatively-safe 32 weeks and not a scary pre-28-weeks--to be anything but excited for them. When my sister was born, she had problems, serious, life-threatening problems, and people kept saying to my mother, "I'm so sorry."

And she got indignant, and said, "Nobody died; someone was born." That's how I feel when I read all those well-intentioned and laden-with-love comments. Someone's being born. Someone's being born to two people who should really be parents. They should have six or eight kids and raise them all to be hell-raisers and world-beaters because these are the kind of people they are. The world needs more people like them.

But again: Someone's being born. That's an amazing thing.

1 comment:

foster said...

Love this and I love you. xoxoxoxo your fellow hell-raiser and parent to little A. I hadn't read your blog in a looooong time and this was lovely to read.