Monday, November 15, 2010

Movie day: too tired to read

Yep, it's movie day, also known as Mommy-is-sick day. My throat is sore, my head is thick with snot, and I'm just dumb today. I could crawl back into bed and sleep, but so far, the children are not accommodating my wishes by taking their naps like they certainly should be. I'm frankly too tired and unaware to go for a drive to put them to sleep. I already had a home improvement project gone awry, so I'm taking the hint and limiting the amount of damage I can do today.

So. Ponyo goes into the DVD player and I close doors to adjacent rooms. Mr. A watches Ponyo. The baby climbs all over the furniture. I stare into the middle distance in a stupor until someone yells. I would like to drink large pots of tea but unfortunately I do not trust myself with hot tea and babies. I'm not even reading, people, and I got a new book in the mail today, a picture book. That's how tired I am.

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