Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Bellisimo piccolino!

We are home and currently suffering from sleeplessness. This is what happens when you go across nine time zones.

Everything was fabulous; Italians love, love, love babies and they loved, loved, loved A. I felt like royalty: crowds parted, people cooed and waved, people on buses hopped up like they'd been stuck with pins to give me and A a seat, guards ushered us to private elevators and seats in every museum we went to.

I've gone from thinking you must be crazy to take a baby to Italy to thinking you absolutely must take a baby to Italy to experience Italy at its best. Trip report will follow once I've downloaded pictures; my 4 gig card was insufficient and we had to buy another gig for Rome.


Jack and Lexi's Mom said...

Glad your home safe and had fun. When you went to Russia you told me if any shot went down to watch CNN. I kept a close watch on CNN while you were gone.

Miss Kim said...

Thank you! See, I'm moderately concerned because when I went to Russia, there was a coup a week after I got home. I'm hoping I left Italy in better shape.