Saturday, March 27, 2010

Appliance suicide

Last weekend, our washing machine tried to throw itself under a bus. No, no, C said, and took it apart, put it together, and wah-la. He claims he did nothing but it worked again, so I did not care.

We just got home from various errands and the dryer was still going. Uh-oh. Open the door and while the clothes are moving, the dryer is cold.

It seems like we're being pushed in the direction of a new washer and dryer. Sigh.


Lana Bump said...

I deeply and acutely (and recently) feel your pain.

David Bump said...

We feel your pain! Our washer, dryer, water heater and dishwasher form some kind of self-destruction pact. It's like a domestic version of Terminator: Rise of the Machines.

Miss Kim said...

Tomorrow the package of dryer love will get here and hopefully it will be fixed. But yes, it's like a virus spreads through our household and bam, we're in appliance hell.

At least nobody's potty training right now...