Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The baby got into the cat food

Yep, that day has come. I always think 8-9 months of age is about the apex of babydom, and then the tumble to toddlerhood takes on speed.

My baby can now pull himself up. He usually doesn't get as far as his feet, although he has, but this means several things:
  • The crib is no longer exactly safe and the mattress needs to be lowered.
  • All the outlets are now fair play for tiny little fingers. This means things that had been placed on outlets (like the CO2 detector and the open-garage-door monitor) are now completely in play. The CO2 detector sounds an annoying and ear-splitting screech when it's mostly disconnected from the wall.
  • The cat food, which had been out of reach on a box, is now well within reach. I think a file cabinet would put it out of reach but that might be at the max of my heavy lifting abilities.
  • The computer power button is within reach.
  • Items on the couch, chairs, and A's bed are all fair game.
Of course this happens while C is in the middle of mandatory overtime, so certain triage messages will be put into place until then. Triage is the mode of the day, especially since I haven't been able to get both boys to nap or sleep at the same time during the day consistently.

If you've got tips, I'd love to hear them, because if I don't get some time to myself soon, I'm going to lose it. All our babysitters are waylaid by illness or jobs, or I'd be calling out the cavalry for a movie and a junk-food binge, trust me.


David Bump said...

For the computer power button, you should be able to control the behavior in Control Panel, Power Options, on the Advanced tab. Setting 'when I press the power button' to 'ask me what to do' works really well, until he can reach the mouse. 'Do Nothing' is also an option. Neither of these will help if he holds it down for 10 seconds, but that's a long time, even for an adult. Wish I had ideas on the others.

Lana Bump said...

Oh dear. Wish we could be your cavalry. Beyond that, I've got nothing, except for a couple of nips of whiskey. Not sure whether the application should be to yourself or baby L, however.

Stay strong! There's always Elmo's World, for when everyone needs a time out.

Jean said...

Beer? Just a small amount for each of you works wonders, I'm told. For a long time, my hourly mantra was biblical-"This too shall pass." Wish we all were closer. Jean