Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Washing a go-go

Our washing machine was found dead (or at least maimed) Saturday morning, with the un-agitated wet swim stuff in it. I didn't realize how critical washing machines were to houses with children until ours died.

So we spent some time this weekend learning our local laundromats. The Lucky Laundromat takes top honors for their free (and massive, and hot) dryers. The Corner Wash had better seating but the dryers were more costly and less efficient.

A thinks laundromats are fabulous playgrounds. There's open space to run, vending machines and video games to play with, doors to open and shut, and, best of all, lots of carts that are just his size to push around. He spent a fair amount of time the second day rolling carts into rows, then crashing through them and re-aligning them. Life's almost always fascinating when you're almost two.

The washer may have a baby sock crammed into it or the transmission may be going. I'm not the engineer; I don't troubleshoot this crap.

I've suddenly realized that it's near the end of May and we're almost into June, which means we're going on a trip to CO for a wedding, grandparents, and friends. Woo hoo. I need to get someone to watch the cats. Yikes.

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