Thursday, September 25, 2008

Certificate of Participation

It's graduation day here from Global Group for the little toddler boy. He's finished six weeks of general group activity and as such is done being enriched. He's still going to his specific speech group. He's loving it so far; we're going to have to think seriously about preschool when all of this is done. He used to have to be convinced to go in, and now he has to be restrained from running right into the classroom when we get there.

He's got a speech evaluation scheduled for next week. This is with the regional center and is just speech, so we'll see what shakes out there.

He's using a ton more words now; I don't know if it's the classes or just being around other kids or the general explosion of language that happens, but he's got tons more words: baby, bubbles, crocodile. He's doing a lot more spontaneous imitation, where if I say a word, he says it back. And he's picked up words he knew but had stopped using, like "more."

They gave him a post-class evaluation to see where he was compared to where he started (about the same, with a couple minor improvements). The woman doing the evaluation said to me, "He's such a sweet kid. There were kids crying in the room and he took them toys and tried to play with them." Yup, that's my sweetie.


Jack and Lexi's Mom said...

This from the girl who laughed when Bambi's mother bit the big one! I am so thrilled that this was a speed bump in A's road to his Nobel acceptance speech.

Miss Kim said...

Just because I'm a big meanie doesn't mean my baby's not a sweetie.