Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tired boys

A didn't sleep well last night and C didn't either. I didn't sleep well the night before, so last night I was apparently out of it enough that I wasn't disturbed very much.

Last Friday night, I went to the San Diego Film Festival and saw my friend Julie's film, Broken Windows, which was a lot of fun, since I've never been to a film festival before. The film is good but slow. I hope it does well.

We went to dinner before and A surprised us by eating popcorn shrimp and calamari (even the squiggly bits) but not the mac and cheese. This is a strange kid.

He had speech today and did well although he was tired. We're about to go to the store, run some errands, so he'll just have to cope. He had a short nap this morning but it's hot here and it's hard to nap when it's so freaking hot.

1 comment:

Jack and Lexi's Mom said...

Both of my children LOVE calamari (especially the squiggly bits)! I love a kid who will eat.