Sunday, November 16, 2008


I've been sick. Yesterday, I lost my voice and am reduced to a tiny, hoarse whisper.

I woke up this morning and--no voice. Still. Do you any idea how difficult it is to parent a toddler without a voice? At least C's here as my knight in shining, talkative armor, but boy, my voice better return before tomorrow or it'll be an exciting day.


Lana Bump said...

Oh that sucks! I never would have thought of that but it makes it nearly impossible, and it is not something easy to explain to a 2 year old.

Miss Kim said...

Yeah, I'm on day two with no voice and he just got up from a nap. I was downstairs; he was upstairs and worked himself up into a tearful frenzy looking for me before I get to him.

When he normally gets up, I call to him to let him know where I am (while I'm on my way to greet him). And I was on my way today, but with no greeting, and that was apparently enough of a deviation to upset him.