Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Preschool Romeo

Every day I pick A up from preschool, I ask how the day went. Today it was, "He's such a Romeo." He apparently spent the day holding hands with an inordinate number of girls, culminating in him holding hands with two girls at once. During circle time, one of the girls put her arms around him and hugged him tight against her and he apparently thought that was super. Then he sat in another one's lap later during playtime, and she didn't mind.

The teachers think it's adorable and that he's gotten so sociable.

We've always said he had ladykiller eyes. I just didn't think he'd be unleashing them in preschool.

1 comment:

Jack and Lexi's Mom said...

OOOHHH! You are in trouble deep! Jack was engaged in preschool. These lover boys scare the pooh out of me. I actually worry nore about Jack impregnating someone that Lexi getting knocked up. If she gets pregnant, that baby is mine. If Jack reproduces I may never know it!