Monday, April 26, 2010


Ever hover on the edge of your decision-making process? We've got major decision-making processes all hovering right now. Are we going to have to move? Think so, but don't know so. Will we be able to afford a house we like? Don't know. Where would this house be specifically? Don't know.

Maybe baby L will be pointing the way for us. For months he's been tantalizing us with his own hovering. He got most of the way to rolling over and then--nothing. He hung out on his side, then rolled over onto his back. I honestly thought he's going to be too contented and happy to make developmental milestone progress. He's so easy-going.

Until this weekend. Then boom, he rolled over, all the way. Head up, looking around, checking everything out from a new perspective. Now he's all about rolling over. When I've strapped him into the neglect-o-matic (like when I got my rotary cutter out to do some sharp cutting), he's protested. He's decided. It's time.

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