L was four months old yesterday (how does the time fly). I think it's about time to make this pronouncement.
L is the sweetest, most adorable, good-as-gold baby in the entire world.
I haven't wanted to jinx this, but I've just reached a point where it's so terribly self-obvious that I can't deny it any more. We always thought A was an easy-going baby, so-called false advertising to all our childfree friends, but my God, L is like photoshopped false advertising.
He's sleeping through the night, in his own bed. Sleeping through the night means he goes down at 8-ish or 9-ish and doesn't get up until 5 or 6. It's unbelievable. If he wasn't so baby-chub plump, I'd worry that he was malnourished from not nursing during the night.
Last weekend, I did the plumeria cutting sale. I'm the coordinator of the event, so I had to be there for three days from 8:30AM until 4PM or later. This is a really long time for a nursing mommy to be away from a baby, so L was with me the whole time. Since I do have an amazing husband, he agreed to take off Friday to take care of the three-year-old and they came to visit and help me out.
But that meant I still had a four-month-old in a baby sling for 8+ hours for three days in a row. And you know how he did? Beautifully. Amazingly beautifully. Slept, stayed awake and watched, smiled at people, indicated politely (a little wiggling) when he wanted to eat and get a new diaper, but didn't make a peep or fuss the entire time. When he got home, he wanted stretch out time on the floor, but then it was pretty much back to the normal routine for bedtime.
I thought the second one would be our hellion since A was so easy, but so far (knock wood, fingers crossed), L's abnormally super easy-going and sweet. He's got huge smiles now and baby giggles and I could spend all day staring at the amazingness that is little L. He's gorgeous enough that people stop me and say, "That is a beautiful baby." Like all the other babies just get that comment out of politeness, but L really is.
I would like some proof of the beautiful baby, please. Like, say, photos, if I can't have the privilege of sniffing his baby head any time soon.
Photo added, but it still doesn't capture the amazingness that is L.
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