Wednesday, June 02, 2010


We're getting better, slowly slowly. I didn't realize how much I missed my easy-going baby until his smiles started coming back and he did not needed to be held and comforted non-stop. Having said that, yesterday was a trip to the needy farm and I accomplished nothing more than a one-item trip to Costco, so let's hope everyone continues to recover here.

As I write this, I can look over at my bed and see one sleeping husband, one awake and smiling baby, and one mostly-awake preschooler who is gently patting the baby on his belly, saying, "Baby drum, baby drum, baby drum." And now he's touching his feet to L's.

It's funny how tuned in the boys are to each other, even at this age. They communicate on some level C and I are excluded from. L has huge smiles that he bestows on A and sometimes just wants to stare at A until A looks back at him. A has been super-sweet to L and spends his time trying to get L to laugh at him. Yesterday I asked A if he was going to help teach L how to crawl. He said, "Not until I'm four, Mommy; he's too little."

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