Monday, March 20, 2006

It's apparently short-burst communication day

I have the sweetest husband in the universe. I have a quilt that I've been trying to finish before my niece arrived, and since her original date was April 1, I thought I was doing well. But then she arrived. So the quilt's not done. In the middle of our list of things to get accomplished this weekend, there's a line item of "Finish quilt."

So my boy says, "Well, why don't you work on the quilt and I'll tackle the rest of the list?" I helped him with some of the massive decluttering, but then I worked on the quilt while he cleaned. Now it's basted and ready for quilting, which is leaps and bounds ahead of where it was Friday. But it felt positively decadent to sit and sew while he was cleaning. So he's super.