Monday, March 20, 2006

Orthodontia galore

I have braces and I've had them for about 400 years at this point. No, I've had them for two years this month, but I've gotten to the point where I don't exactly remember what it's like to not have hardware in my mouth or have to tear off pieces of good crusty bread into tiny pieces to be able to eat them.

I'm getting adjusted today. For the last two times, this means an exceedingly complicated configuration of piano wire and paper clips has been added to the mix. This is all on the lower jaw and is supposed to pull my bottom front teeth back farther behind my top front teeth so I have a lovely smile at the end of this. It is probably the second most painful thing I've had done so far for the braces; the first were the spacers put in between my back molars to make room to put the bands on.

Today, however, I am looking forward to it, because one of the wires that's holding the whole mess in place is very pointy and keeps catching my lower lip and I'm tired of bleeding there. I have gone through two boxes of wax in the last four weeks. I haven't really been using wax aside from the first couple months of braces. I had pretty much acclimated to all the hardware and had toughened up everything, but positioning a nasty wire as a torture device stopped that.

I'm also debating going to IKEA after my orthodontist to get a curtain for the living room. This weekend I ended up meeting a kid who saw my little Flutternutter of a kitty in the window and came over to peer in to see if anyone else was around. Mistah H hit the floor, as far as I can tell, so I met Puett (yes, it's French) and Charlie (a lovely yellow Lab who thought my kitten would be a good snack) and learned that it was Puett's birthday party day with (non-custodial) daddy and that he was seven. So a curtain might be in order since manners seem to be in short order.