Thursday, December 21, 2006

Sleep deprivation and snowstorms

I'm really so tired that I'm having problems completing coherent sentences.

C, A and I took our alphabet soup selves to Julie and Terry's last night to help in the pierogie-making process since we're going to have ourselves some merry little pierogies before we leave town. We were there late, then we had to get up early today for trash and the mechanic's. So we're tired here (everyone but A, it seems).

I get clumsier when I get tired. I was doing a Christmas-surprise-related chore that required being on hands and knees on the floor, and in my tiredness stood up under the dining room table. I might be short, but I'm not that short. So now I've got a nasty mark on the small of my back.

I had grand plans for today that involved packing, laundry, and Christmas-surprise-related chores, but I think the next grand plan is going to be take A to bed and try to nap. Ugh. Don't even get me started on trying to call the airline or DIA.

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