I got a flu shot Tuesday. I got it at the local supermarket because my GP was all out of his first batch of vaccine and didn't know when the next one was coming. As the "primary caretaker of an infant," I get to be in the category of high-risk people who should get one.
I head to the local supermarket at the appointed time. The guy giving the shots takes my money to pay for the shot (in his latex gloves), then gives a shot to the guy ahead of me (without changing the gloves). I've got Mistah A in the sling and so I watch the guy give shots to the next two people (and touch the cash register) without changing gloves. I just read Dr. Oz's patient book (which is excellent, btw) but it will give you the heebie jeebies if you see someone trying to give you a shot with non-sterile gloves.
So I lie. I say, "Say, do you have to change gloves after you touch the cash register? I used to work in a deli and we always had to change gloves after we touched the cash register." I feel okay about saying this because it's not, "You disgusting man, what are you doing?" and I used to do mystery shopping for a grocery chain and this is one of the things I was told to watch for.
"You know, they didn't cover that in training." He changes gloves and is very nice about it. We make small talk about how wonderful babies are; he has a ten-month-old son. He gives me the shot.
Tuesday night (late), I wake up and realize I have a raised puffy red patch about two inches in diameter around the injection site. I call my doctor's office and they say, "Hmm, bigger than a quarter? Big as a half dollar? Come on in." I said it was the size of a silver dollar but apparently the new dollar coins have messed up that reference.
Anyway, long story short too late, the guy injected the vaccine too low and I'm having a mild reaction to it. But that was Tuesday and I've still got it today, although it's less pink and puffy. Grumble grumble.

ETA: The photo's not the best in the universe and the spot isn't brilliant puffy pink anymore, but this is what it looks like six days after the shot.
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