Sunday, February 25, 2007

Oscar night and grown-up updates

TiVo makes the Oscars palatable, especially when they're running 40,000 commercials during the program. Ellen is not nearly the cupcake Jon Stewart is, though she is funny.

This weekend, C's brother came to town to see our Navy boy, so we got to see both him and the Navy boy this weekend, which was lovely. C and K (his brother, not me) got an up-close and personal tour of the helicopters, which impressed the hell out of C. (I had a protective mommy moment where I thought the noise level on a military helicopter base would be a little much for my little darling A, so he'll have to take a tour later when he can appreciate the hearing loss.) Then we tried desperately to find a place open for lunch at 3PM on a Saturday in SD which turned out to be harder than we thought; found ourselves a burger joint and topped it off with IKEA. All the Coloradoans need to make the IKEA pilgrimage when they visit. Anyway, good to see him on his eye-blink of a visit.

I had grown-up time this week, so you're going to be lacking boy updates, although he is still cute and adorable and all that. First of all, I joined a writing class, which I promised Miss Julie I will blog about but I'm going to give it one more class (so it'll have to wait until next week) before I tear it to shredded crunchy bits on the blog. No matter; it's still good for me. I did have the completely gross moment of introducing myself as, "I have an almost-seven-month-old at home and I need some adult time." You'll just have to wait for my startlingly amazing blog entry about writing class.

Also for grown-ups, today I joined the plumeria society. It's so dorky but I had such a good time. I am sure the plumeria society falls below the AV club in geekdom. There were probably 200 people there, so I'm not alone in adoration of the plumeria or geekdom. No, they weren't all blue hairs, either; I was surprised. They had two speakers, one of whom gave me hope that my plumeria isn't completely dead from frost. The other gave such a reassuring overview of plumeria care that I think I won't kill another one if I get one. They had a raffle and enough prizes that at the end they said, "Anyone who hasn't gotten a prize, come up and get one item off the table." I got a book on Gertrude Jekyll, plus I had to buy their starter guide to plumeria cultivation in San Diego. Now if I join the camellia society, I can have garden club meetings (and flowers!) year round. I met some lovely people who talked with great enthusiasm about their frost damage and what new plants they wanted to try and who was bringing cuttings of what to the sale in April--and most of your eyes are rolling into your heads, but to someone garden-deprived like me, it was wonderfully refreshing. It's nice when you encounter members of your tribe, you know?

Irony of the day: the plumeria society meeting usually scheduled for the fourth Sunday of the month is re-scheduled in April because the Balboa Park commissioners decided as a policy to cancel all garden club meetings that fall on Earth Day.

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