Monday, June 18, 2007

Two more things

  1. The other day, I meant to write about how super Mistah C is and I didn't. But he's super. He's just amazing and I'm so grateful to have him in my life. I'm just so pleased A has such a wonderful role model; it will make raising a boy a lot easier than if I'd married a sexist pig dog.
  2. A has added another baby sign to his repertoire, more. In A's version, he raises two fists parallel to each other. I filmed him doing it while eating Trader Joe's Os and it's up on YouTube for your enjoyment.

1 comment:

Jack and Lexi's Mom said...

"More" was Jack's first, favorite, and longest lasting sign. He and Lexi both stopped using any signs as they learned to talk. Jack did have a signing relapse when we were teaching Lexi and remembered all of them. I know its uber-trendy but signing with kids really works! I don't think we had a third as many tantrums as my non-signing friends.