Wednesday, April 30, 2008

First dentist visit

Yesterday. He was great.

First of all, I have to mention how much my dentist's office loves my boy. They do. I had braces when I was pregnant so I was in for cleanings every three months and they saw me get huger and huger. The hygienist was due two weeks before me and our kids are eleven days apart. I scheduled my cleaning to be her first day back after maternity leave. We sent the office a birth announcement. Then the braces came off and I needed a fair amount of post-braces work when the boy was tiny, so they saw him a lot. Now that he's bigger, he can't really go along and sit on my lap when I have a cleaning. (Yes, he did, really.) So they were all excited to see him.

He sat in the chair. He would not open his mouth. He did brush his teeth with the free toothbrush. I think everyone in the office came by to coo over him. They made me take pictures.

The dentist showed off his leet ninja dentist skills by saying to me, "Well, he's got eight teeth upper and eight lower, and everything that I can see looks like it's well-aligned and coming in okay, including the molars. It looks like he's got space for those last four. The teeth themselves look good." Since this was all ascertained by peeking at A's teeth between baby talk and toothbrushing, this is good.

So the teeth are good and we'll go back in six months and maybe he'll open his mouth that time. Maybe.

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