Monday, May 10, 2010

Action-packed weekends

Sometimes, we just have them, the weekends that seem to have everything in the world to do. First up, a reading on Friday night. Saturday, bridal shower. Sunday, plumeria society meeting. Monday, board meeting.

Now bridal showers are not typically my thing, because I think anyone who's gone to Bryn Mawr has spent enough women-only chatty-chat time to last the rest of her natural life. But this bridal shower was fabulous: friends from out of town, happy baby in tow, and just the most charming bride-to-be you've ever seen. I don't think I'm remiss in saying there are some weddings I go to with some misgivings, as in how long will this marriage last, when will the groom stop me from hanging out with the bride, when will the bride crush the groom's joie de vivre. As I get older, I realize I'm not going to know both parties as well, so maybe I love the groom and just assume the bride/other groom is super. But there's very few weddings that I go to where I know enough about both participants to say, "Wow, I love these people and they are perfect for each other and I'm so eager to see them have happy long lives together." And that's how I feel about this wedding, and from the party, so did everyone else. So that was fabulous.

And then Mother's Day. Again, most of the day for me was spent in a meeting with my littlest guy, but what a great Mother's Day. My almost-four-year-old is amazingly charming ("Mommy, you look like a princess,") and my five-month-old is deliciously sweet.

Last night was not such a good night. For the shower, I went off the dairy-free reservation, which meant that I wasn't in a mind to pass up the glorious Louisiana chicken (oh my) or French silk pie (heavenly, heavenly) that I've been passing up in my dairy-free quest. And yesterday morning, C said to me, "Gosh, L hasn't had any bad side effects at all; I wonder if you can go back on dairy again."

Then enter last night. Our normally fuss-free, easy-going babe was replaced by someone who cried even when he was being held and fed and couldn't sleep for more than a few hours at a time from intestinal distress. Poor baby. I know it takes ten days for the dairy to completely leave my system, but I hope he gets over it soon because he was so unhappy.

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