Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Rollie pollie

L is now rolling over and putting his head up in the classic baby pose. Last night at 2am, he was fussing and I woke up to see what was wrong with him. He had his legs completely sticking out of the crib; his butt up against the slats.

I moved him so he was completely in the crib again and then went to the bathroom. And as I was sitting there, half awake, I realized that the bottoms of his feet had been up and not the front of his knees. I had put the baby back into the crib on his stomach.

This freaked me out since I've been indoctrinated by the back-to-sleep movement, and I couldn't get out of the bathroom fast enough to roll L onto his back. Only later when I was more awake did I realize that I probably didn't need to freak out and that a baby who can roll over and lift his head is probably not the baby who will smother to death when left on his tummy.

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