Thursday, May 27, 2010

When are we not sick?

So I recovered (mostly) from pneumonia, only to watch little L get a head cold that then added a goopy eye thing, then a cough, then a low-grade fever, then laryngitis. Poor guy's been getting worse and worse in tiny increments; he's probably still not considered fussy by most people but he is by us.

After numerous phone calls and two doctor's visits, L's been diagnosed with an ear infection and aggravated respiratory system or something like that. It's asthma-lite. So he's on antibiotics (both oral and topical) and albuterol, plus steroids on hand just in case his breathing needs a little help.

And I had to take him for chest X-rays, because maybe he has pneumonia too. Argh. We'll hopefully find out that's a no later today. Baby X-rays are odd. Do not take your baby in a shirt with snaps at the shoulder for an X-ray because they will make your baby put on a hospital johnny that is not a baby size. I think it would have swamped my three-year-old, so it was essentially wrapping the baby in a Snuggie. A polyester, string-tied, Loony Tunes-printed Snuggie.

They have tiny little lead vests to drape over the baby's lap, and they put the mom (that's me) into position, holding the baby's hands above his head and feet so he's stretched out on the bed, then drape me in lead vests. Then they run like hell out of the room to try and do the X-ray as fast as possible.

L could tolerate the one on his back but could not stand the one on his side. Happily, they did them both in one shot each and we were out of there. The X-ray place was in the same place as a radiation treatment facility, so it was interesting waiting with people who needed to see a cute little baby.

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