Friday, October 12, 2007

Swimming and playdate

We had swim class Tuesday. It was fabulous. The other student missed last week too. A's getting really good at holding his breath. He just needs to float on his back and we'll be off to another level of class. I'm not actually eager to mix him in with the toddlers yet.

He's walking in spurts. I think the biggest gap he's crossed has been six feet. He hasn't decided that walking's faster than crawling yet. It's still a party trick.

Yesterday we had playdate. The boys (and they suddenly are boys, not babies) wanted to hit each other. L hit A on the head many, many times, then A grabbed L by the bridge of L's nose, right between the eyes. Ouchie. It was crazy. I'm not sure I signed up to have a toddler. L is much, much farther along on the toddler spectrum, though. A was still pretty easy-going; L was outright contrary to his mom sometimes. It's coming, I know.

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