Saturday, January 09, 2010

One Month

Baby L is just over a month old and still sweet as pie. He's spending more time being awake and alert and he's starting to get some neck control. His eyes are starting to look seriously blue.

L had a one-month weight check this week since he hadn't regained his birth weight within two weeks (met the minimums for weight gain, but the doctor wanted to re-check to make sure he nursing alright). Within the last two weeks, he gained two pounds (!) to bring him up to a whopping ten pounds, four ounces. So I feel pretty safe in saying the nursing is going well and I think he's (we've) got the hang of it.

Big bro A is still sweet-as-pie himself. We went to a two-year-old's birthday party today and A shared away the contents of his party favor bag with all the other kids, then hugged everybody on the way out. Oh my, these are two sweet boys we've got. Just like their daddy.

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