Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Purge

We're on the cusp of eight weeks. Faced with increasing baby fussiness, I'm embarking on a 7-10 day dairy purge. This is an undertaking and I am really, really grouchy. No cheese? No milk? No ice cream?

But L seems quite gassy and irritated. Some resources say milk proteins in the breast milk cause that; some resources say a rapid milk-eject response does that and if he's coming off gasping during nursing, he's swallowing a lot of air along with his milk and thus, gas.

But. I can't throw out the breast milk (formula? you're kidding, right?) or the nursing, so out with the dairy and we'll see what happens. We're stocked now with bagels and non-dairy buttery-like spread, so I'm going to give it a week at least to see if L improves. If not, then we can say, okay, it's probably the rapid eject on milk and there's not much to be done, bring on the ice cream. We see the doctor in a week for his two-month anyway.

A has announced to preschool that babies eat mommy's milk (so sayeth his teacher). He's been walking around here nursing his dolls and animals, so I can't wait until he tries that at school.

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