Monday, October 05, 2009

Changes in Weather

The weather has finally turned from hot to fall-ish here. My cold weather detector, otherwise known as Jake, woke me up at 1AM by climbing under the comforter with me and stretching out over my enormous belly. I was happy for the warmth, but by 4AM he had completely taken over my side of the bed, wedging himself inextricably between me and my body pillow. He's still in bed now, almost where he went to sleep last night.

I went down to the couch to fall asleep to Arrested Development DVDs and made two exciting discoveries: all but our lightest fleece throws had been relegated to storage upstairs and it was way too cold to be downstairs in a chemise.

This brings up a conundrum that I hadn't really considered: I'm much larger now than I was the last time I needed my cozy flannel PJs. I found an old pair of sweatpants that fit (yay baggy what-not-to-wear sweats), but I'm going to have to fix the PJ problem. But the cheapskate in me doesn't want to buy maternity PJs that will only be worn for less than three months.

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