Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Labor Day Weekend Update

Wow, more than a week! It's been damn hot here. It felt cooler last night and so I'm hoping things have taken a turn for the less broiling.

A was sick for most of last week. This ended up in a couple days of non-stop crying and screaming which was enough to drive me around the bend. The poor guy just didn't understand that I couldn't fix his poor sore throat. C would get home and I'd be jabbering to myself and unable to communicate.

Thursday our dear friends showed up, which was lovely. A got over his sickness before they left so he was back to his cheerful little self. We went to the Wild Animal Park, the bookstore, the farmer's market and IKEA. It's wonderful having them visit and we miss them madly now.

A and I had swimming yesterday. It was lovely. There's only one other kid in the class, an 11-week-old who looks tiny. It's amazing the difference a year makes. We may be going to another lesson this week as part of a training session for new swim instructors. A's such an easy-going guy that I think he'd be up for another swim lesson this week.

I've been up since 4AM and I'm not thrilled about that. But it's nice and cool, at least.

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