Monday, November 16, 2009

The doggie that almost got away

Last week, A and I went to the beach before swim class. He played in the sand. I've added his "I'm going to be a model" beach shot here so you can appreciate the kind of cuteness we're dealing with.

This was also the day of his flu shot, so he had these two little rubber-and-wire toy doggies that he was playing with in the sand. He'd bury them and tell me he was going to find some treasure, then dig them up and show me his treasure again.

Of course, he's three, so at some point he lost interest in his doggies and wandered off to make castles and dig other holes and have a good time.

This is the point where a seagull came over and took one of his doggies. Not a minute after the seagull took off, A realized what had happened and took off running after the bird.

"Hey, bird! You took my doggie! Shoo, bird! Give me back my doggie!"

The seagull took flight, touched down by the water, discovered that the toy was not actually a French fry, and left it by the water. So A got his doggie back from the bird and we were all happy. He spent the rest of his time at the beach making sure the birds didn't get too close to us by running after them. "Shoo, birdies. You don't eat my doggies."


Lana Bump said...

Aw, so cute! Did he get a haircut?

Miss Kim said...

Yes, last week on one of the days he had off. A haircut was one more item on my list of "things that will precariously slip to the bottom of the list after Baby 2.0 appears so take care of them now."