Friday, November 13, 2009

H1N1 Success!

I've got an appointment to go get vaccinated, next Tuesday at 10:30AM. Happy day!

I should share: Yesterday, among my other annoyances with the pediatrician's office, as I was leaving, I saw a post-it taped over the receptionist's credit card machine that said, "Pregnant moms, $42.00."

I'm that person who asks. "So, can I get the H1N1 shot here?"

The receptionist looked at me like Oh God, we're so backed up, please don't ask me this now. She said, "You'd have to ask one of the doctors for permission, but we do it for a fee." A $42.00 fee.

Let me add these caveats: the Feds are providing H1N1 vaccine free to everyone. No health care providers are paying for it. Doctors' offices may charge a fee for the work of setting up an appointment, coming into their office and having your regular health care providers give you the shot, but there's no cost to them for the actual vaccine.

I'm sure the cost of getting the flu shot varies according to your insurance, but for A, in the same office with the same insurance coverage, the shot is free.

I'll keep you posted on any weird side effects. The good news is that aside from the occasional asthma-related breathlessness, I'm mostly well right now and in reasonable shape to get a vaccine.

1 comment:

Miss Kim said...

I know! What made me happy was that the nurse told me Tuesday is the first day that they're doing vaccinations, that they waited to schedule things until they could track the shipping info of the actual vaccine, and that they were going through their wait list in priority order. Whee!