Friday, September 01, 2006

Random thoughts for crazy Friday

I realized I was just using the blog to bitch, so I thought I'd add happy thoughts.

Yesterday most things ended up going our way, house sales not withstanding. And at least we have a house to sell. I don't want to be a woman with a Virgina ham under each arm crying because she's got no bread.
  • Young Master A's grandparents are finally coming to visit, yay!
  • I found out the state was taking care of telling the CNP that a doctor had to sign for 8 weeks' pregnancy disability for a C-section, so I didn't need to. I followed up with the clinic and they said the form was faxed back with a doctor's signature yesterday. So that should be shaking out soon.
  • The HR rep finally realized that I had a C-section, even though I know my darling husband called the first day we were home and asked how having a C-section affected my leave from work. But that gave me another two weeks' of disability pay.
  • The doctor we were recommended by the happy, sane, smart pediatrician is indeed on our health plan, which was a matter of debate when I called the office to get an appointment.
  • I managed to get an appointment with the new doctor in two days (so that's today) to have the really strange and bizarre splinter in my toe taken out. Maybe I won't pass out when that happens; I really can't stand having things embedded in the bottom of my feet. The woman in the office was really sweet, though, so that's a good sign.

Plus, A's been staying awake longer and looking at things more. We're starting to shift him to being awake during the day and asleep at night, but there's still no hope of 8-hours of uninterrupted sleep - oh, until he goes to college.

It's hard to blog about what we do with him because we watch him, hold him and talk to him. He's not spouting bon mots (more like fountains of pee when we're changing him without anything to staunch the flow in reach); he's just started smiling at us every so often. Naomi Wolf wrote about baby time, where you're just in a bubble of uninterrupted time, and it's close to that. Hard to describe.

Last night I found out that he most certainly understood he was about to be fed. I unsnapped my nursing tank to feed him, picked him up and held him, then realized he was wet. He just doesn't feed well when he's wet; he fusses and fumes and can't keep latched on. So I moved him away from my breast to get up and change him. He howled. He shrieked more than I have ever heard him shriek. So the bad news was that he had a pretty inconsolable diaper change; the good news is that he's learning a cause-and-effect of unsnap shirt, see/smell breast, soon no longer hungry. He didn't used to recognize that. That means I'm going to have to start being better about checking his diaper before I feed him.