Monday, August 27, 2007

My baby's got what?

Herpangina. Boy are there diseases that give you the shivers just hearing the name. Nothing to do with herpes or angina, this is a virus that causes painful little blisters in the back of the throat. It apparently causes such mind-numbing pain that babies can't chew, which is why A left his O cereal untouched for the first time ever this morning. It's big in the summer. The doctor thinks the fever's peaked out on day 3 and so we're just riding this out for another three or four days.

Doctor's orders: fluids, cold smooth foods, feeding for comfort and not nutrition. Os and turkey are out, milkshakes and applesauce (and breastmilk, even though I was trying to cut back on the comfort nursings for mommy snuggles) are in. It's a virus, so we wait it out. Argh.

He's crying and unhappy and cranky all the time. It's so sad when there's nothing to do for him. Nothing makes him feel better.

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