Saturday, August 11, 2007

Saturday at the doctor

Today A had a rash on his sides (right where you would hold him) and it looked like it was spreading to his tummy. He didn't seem bothered by it, but it bothered us. Long story short, we went to the pediatrician's and he's got a mild case of eczema.

The doctor thinks it was brought on by swimming with a wet suit. He said we should keep A moisturized and use 1% hydrocortisone on the rashy bits.

I'm quite annoyed, because my father had nasty, severe eczema and eczema is hereditary. I was pretty happy when A had no signs of anything relating to my father. I thought I was mostly over my cheap self, but then this happened and I thought, great, eczema, one more asshole thing the stupid sonofabitch can do to me (which is kind of funny, now that I see it written down like that). I don't like it when my daddy issues rear their ugly heads. It's not often that they do nowadays, but man. I had the same gut reaction that I would have if someone slapped A.

But I'm trying to cut back on my completely irrational and crazy lines of thought like that, and identifying something as crazy is the first step towards leaving crazy. Also helping with crazy: getting more sleep, like now.

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