Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Everything's breaking

Today is a bitch, bitch, bitch day. I have been up and down the stairs at least 12 times this morning to reset the stupid DSL, so God knows if I'll have enough connectivity to post this. C's car broke down in the Whole Foods parking lot Sunday (thanks to J&T who came to save me and my frozen organic mac and cheese); the DSL is breaking today, so now I'm just wondering what else is going to go wrong. Maybe the dryer breaking last month was enough and that makes the "things come in threes" rule complete.

I don't have any baby news. I saw a co-worker of mine and his fam last night; they're on vacation in sunny SoCal and we met for dinner. His wife is currently pregnant with their fourth (fourth!) child; she's due in September. They were the first people who visited and didn't say, "Gosh, you don't look that pregnant," so the belly is getting larger.

Baby acquisitions: We bought some blankets, towels, and washcloths last weekend but could not locate non-Gerber side-snap T-shirts. I'm beginning to think side-snap T-shirts not made by Gerber don't exist, but I think we'll head to the Carter's outlet and take a look again now that we are on the lookout for side-snap T-shirts. Gerber apparently makes crappy clothes.

Oh, my co-worker (who is not the most suave person I've ever worked with) just had to point out my shock of gray hair, which I've had since I was 20 but have restrained myself from coloring with the pregnancy (which I thought was the big tell at Christmas, but apparently not). Maybe I'll just have to get it dyed since we're at 30+ weeks and I know people bleach, color, and tint all the way through their pregnancies. I'm not usually someone who lets vanity win, but maybe the taunting pushed me over an edge.

I can't believe it's already 11AM. Oy.