Friday, May 05, 2006

You, Employer, are not my favorite charity.

My haircut this morning may have put me too much towards George Clooney (in a bad way), but it grows so fast I don't care.

Work makes it to the blog again! All week I've been waiting for a list of the current projects that are in my queue and I finally got it today. When I added the stuff I knew about to the stuff everyone else apparently signed me up for, I got a whopping total of 322* hours for the month of May.

I could work 14.63 hours every standard work day in May or I could work ~10.4 hours every day in May to meet that.

But I subscribe to the philosophy where giving an extra month's worth of labor away for free is foolish and stupid, especially at week 28 of pregnancy.

Those of you looking for pregnancy news: Kid's been fine and active, woke me up early this morning with the kicking. It's looking like it'll be a hellion.

*The best part is that this number doesn't include the one project I believe people are afraid to tell me about or any productivity time.