Thursday, May 11, 2006

Prenatal Checkups: Now Every Two Weeks

Today was my GTT. The whole glucola thing is overhyped. It tastes like Orange Crush, maybe a little sweeter, but not disgustingly so. The fasting is worse; I miss my tea and toast in the morning.

The prenatal visit was fast, fast, fast. Mistah C dropped me off at the Birth Center and took off to find me some decent high-protein food (Kafir shake and Odwalla) and I was in to see Sarah before any time had passed. I didn't even open a magazine. Bronchitis fine, blood pressure fine, fundal height fine, baby's heartrate fine, weight fine, urine fine. Then I had two vials of blood taken, scheduled an appointment in two weeks, and that was it. I went out to the waiting room and lo and behold, Mistah C is there waiting for me, looking like he's waiting for me to come back from the typical pre-visit urine test and weigh-in. "I'm done!" I say and we leave.

Compared to how worried I was about the AFP test, I didn't even ask when my test results for the GTT would come back. I'd be surprised at this point if I have gestational diabetes, so I guess I'm just not concerned.