He's pretty vicious-looking, isn't he? The coyotes really do run away when they see him in the window.
We have now acquired the following items for the baby:
- Side-snap T-shirts for awkward umbilical cord period after the baby's birth, Carter's, not Gerber. These were found at the outlets literally at the border. The directions said, "Exit when you see the LAST EXIT IN USA sign."
- Onesies and sleepers to get us through the first month. The woman at the counter looked at the greens, yellows, whites, and multicolored stripes and said, "You must not know what you're having." Can I mention how hard it is to find gender neutral clothes? Want blue without a football? Too bad.
Purple without pink flowers? Not happening. Aren't babies cute enough without the appliques? I feel like the little cutesy-crap is distracting from the cuteness I'm sure will be inherent in this child.
- Pack N Play in Sand Dollar, modeled here by the Wonder Twins. The bassinet feature, demonstrated by our odd-eyed super model, will give the kid a place to sleep while we're figuring out if this child inherited Mistah C's charming disposition or my colicky one and buying the crib, co-sleeper, or baby hammock appropriate to soothing the child. Our swarthy dark handsome model is showing the diaper changer, which secures with extra snaps.
- Baby towels
- Baby first aid kit
- Baby nail clippers
No birth class tonight as a carry over from Memorial Day, so I just have to get my maternity leave worked out. Apparently I could take off at 36 weeks, but I don't think we're going to be able to do that. Harumph.