Tuesday, April 11, 2006

20 Hours in Colorado

Wrists are getting significantly better, due to the fact that our website sucks more than a vacuum cleaner factory so I can't be mousing all day loading pages into it. I don't know what's going to happen when the go-live date happens, but I'm guessing that'll just suck too.

The Mistah is experiencing 20 hours in Colorado, packing up the last of our belongings there and with Mr. "Saves Our Bacon Yet Again" Bump, having them shipped to sunny San Diego. Sniff. I've tasked him with bringing home my favorite Chinese food (see, the kid just whacked me, as if to say, "Don't think about Chinese food when I know we're having mac and cheese for lunch").

I got up at 5am this morning (well, woke at 4:30) to get him to the airport on time, and now I'm tired. I can't even take caffeine since I went to my maximum limit of two cups of tea (and there's something odd about caffeinating myself to stay awake for birth class). I can't complain since I'm not the person who has to lift a box spring this afternoon.

While I'm thinking about it, I'm going to go move the alarm to a more reasonable time than 5am.