Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Prenatal Visit for Week 35

We're moving into once a week visits now, folks; this is getting serious.

Today I offered up my blood, urine, and swab samples to the Gods of the Term Labs. The important thing they're checking for is Strep B, which means I would be on IV antibiotics during labor, not fun. I really hope I'm not positive for strep B. I've got a 1 in 4 chance of having it.

My protein and glucose were fine; fundal height was 35 cm, exactly on track if not a little big. We felt the baby and the midwife found the head down again. Then she tried to take the fetal pulse and found it right under my sternum, which is not where she thought the baby would be.

So tomorrow I'm going in for an ultrasound so we can be absolutely sure that the kid is head down. Maybe we'll have more ultrasound pics for all you lucky people out there. No, we're still not going to find out what gender the kid is. Get over your cheap selves! There is a clearance sale going on at Hanna freaking Andersson right now, and that is probably the most tempting reason for me to find out what gender the kid is. Even a Hanna sale is not moving me at this time. We've gone this long without knowing, another 5-6 weeks isn't going to make that much of a difference. There has to be some aspect of our technology-driven, TiVo-consuming lives that's sweetly old-fashioned.

I'm trying to decide if I should be worried or not. It sounded like there was just one data point that didn't agree with all the others so we're having it checked; ultrasounds at 35 weeks are pretty common for positioning. The midwife didn't seem worried and I try to take my cues from her. I know the birth center likes to be on the safe side.

This spoils my tenative plans to go to the La Leche League meeting Thursday morning, so I'm a little annoyed. Mistah C is deciding whether or not he can take the time off work to go with me. I think he's feeling like he's taken a lot of time off recently in an hour-here, late-start there increments, but the temptation of seeing the kid again before D-day is probably great (no judgement, sweetie, you do what you want).

I don't know if I've explicitly mentioned this before, but Mistah C has gone to every single prenatal visit except for the initial intake one (which Miss J accompanied me to), so he's been an outstandingly supportive husband/father-to-be (again, no pressure there, honey). The whole pregnancy has only reconfirmed for me that yes, I chose wisely and well.