Thursday, June 29, 2006

And the winner is...

I actually don't know who is luckier, the City of San Diego, for having precious analytical moi as a juror, or me, for getting a government-imposed break from work.

But yes folks, I am on jury duty. The lawyers are expected to wrap up their case tomorrow and then it's whatever time we need for deliberation. It's the kind of case where I really wish I was Sherlock Holmes or Dr. House, but I can't talk about it so...argh. Not talking is really not my strong point. But it's illegal. So I won't.

I actually have the best seat in the house for the trial, front and center, so I'm happy there. The room is cold according to everyone else, which explains why I'm so comfortable. We are not allowed to eat in court but we are allowed to drink bottled beverages, so I am staying well-hydrated. The bailiff was kind enough to throw away my lunch bag when I couldn't find a trash can nearby (that, and maybe my hot pink face). I won't abuse him that way tomorrow, but he's quite kind even if he seemed gruff the first day. I'm guessing it was helped by my innate politeness of saying good morning and afternoon and thanking him when he holds the door when we enter and leave.

I am astonishingly pink, brilliantly so. It's a combination of the heat and the walking at a determined pace to run around to the bathroom, the water fountain, and the vending machine on fifteen minute breaks. The women offer me first crack at the toilets when there's a line (which I decline gracefully). People keep asking me, "You're hot, right?" My pregnancy glow is bordering on radiation burn. I look like I've run a marathon just from walking down the hallway. But people are continuing to be quite kind to me; I have been hearing about everyone's children and their births and so forth. It's interesting so far, not annoying.

The kidlet is doing fine, relatively quiet today, but I could also be preoccupied with all the interesting things. Now the baby will have served jury duty! (If the tater tot becomes a lawyer, the jokes will never end.) There were baby hiccups during some of the testimony and I wondered if other people could see my belly popping up and down. I am uncomfortable with all the walking I had to do to get the cheapest parking possible (Horton Plaza with matinee movie tickets cost $15 for the day with a midday re-park, as opposed to the $28 I paid yesterday to park all day), but now I am chafed in that fat thigh + hot weather + walking way. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you don't need to know, you skinny-thighed sweat-free nymph.

I'm going to go get some ice packs and sit with my hot swollen feet up. The trial could wrap up tomorrow but could go until Monday with deliberations. I'll keep you posted.