Thursday, July 20, 2006

Is it Friday yet?

No, just Thursday. Sigh. Today's goal is to go swimming.

Mistah C and I had a lovely dinner with our friends from CO last night (well, the table we got was awful and the service was not stellar, but the company was grand). I wish we'd gotten more time to see them. Happily, one of them is going to be living not too far from the swanky dessert place so now I'm sure we'll be visiting him often.

I have moved on in my reading from babydom to childrearing, although I do have non-baby books to read as well. Pregnancy things are popping up where I least expect them. The latest O magazine has an article about how the number one cause of death in pregnant women is homicide. I thought Mistah C was going to cut it out of my copy so I couldn't read it (which was going to send me into hormone-laden feminista "You are not possibly trying to tell me what I can and cannot read," frenzy). I'd like to see a Freakonomics-style breakdown of those statistics, though. The article was heavily based on the fact that 1/3 of all murdered preggos are done in by someone they know, but what's going on with the other 2/3s?

Work news: My boss finally set up a meeting with me to meet "the latest team member" tomorrow but scheduled it during the only appointment I have this week. Let me check my Outlook calendar to make sure my appointment is on there. Yes, it is. Let me find my clue-by-four. Yup, I'll be polishing up the old resume soon.