Wednesday, July 19, 2006


I am literally all over the place mentally these days. Here's flotsam and jetsam of my brain:
  • I'm sick of work. The fact that my new boss hasn't bothered to introduce me to the newest member of the team (who started Monday) pretty much tells me I had better get my resume into tip-top shape and be ready to jump ship.
  • Riders on the Tour for the last five years have been motivated by either helping Lance Armstrong or beating Lance Armstrong (or being Lance Armstrong). Without Lance, many of the teams look lost for strategy. But I haven't caught up after the second mountain day so maybe someone took charge.
  • Our cats are loopy but at least they don't look like Hitler.
  • Being irritated by work did motivate me to file my pregnancy disability claim. Now I just wait for the paperwork.
  • Photos of naked babies in Santa hats are tacky.
  • People who recommend, "There was a star danced, and under that was I born," as a quote to put on their baby announcements haven't read Much Ado About Nothing. The first part of the quote is "My mother cried." Well, maybe they're advertising the vast amount of pain their mothers were in during labor.
  • My books don't fit in our bookcases. The next house is going to have floor-to-ceiling bookcases everywhere.
  • Shopping for pregnancy swimsuits is worse than shopping for regular swimsuits. The sun is beginning to shine so we'll see if I can get a quick dip today.
  • I am eagerly awaiting a box of books from Amazon that will give me something non-baby to read.
  • I need to clean my office.