Wednesday, July 05, 2006

"Well, I wouldn't exactly say I've been missing it, Bob."

Yes, once again, cubicle-free me has her life summed up in an Office Space quote.

I'm back at work. I haven't worked in more than a week between the blood drive and the jury duty. But I wouldn't exactly say I've missed work at all. I would be hard pressed to think of something I missed.

My email didn't work this morning, so that burned through a good hour and a half. Then I called my boss to say, hey, back at work but the email no workee. So there was a quarter of my day. The rest was just doing the silly stupid stuff I get paid to do.

It's not exactly an earth-rattling thought, but the realization that I could be off from work for an indeterminate amount of time and absolutely not care one whit about what happened while I was gone is mildly astonishing. Today I don't even care about the quality of work going out unless it's solely mine, which is odd for perfectionist little me.

Maybe it's because I'm pregnant and creating another person dwarfs the importance of anything else. Maybe being on jury duty changed my idea of the idiot to non-idiot ratio in the universe. Maybe I'm tired of dealing with a completely new management structure.

But today's the day I shut down exactly after my eight hours were done, launches and projects be damned.