Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Officially Full-Term 37 Week Prenatal Visit

We are now safely out of the premature delivery stage. This is good because it means that I can deliver safely at the birth center instead of getting schlepped off to the hospital. It also means that when we leave the birth center, people say, "See you next week, if not sooner!"

All stats are fine: weight, BP, glucose, protein, fetal heartrate. Fundal height was 38 cm, so we had a bit of a jump there - but a centimeter isn't that big. Baby's head is still down. Sometime in the next two weeks, they'll check for effacement and dialation, but the birth center doesn't like giving pelvic exams to pregnant women since that can sometimes inadvertantly start labor.

Our bag is packed and I believe we have all the supplies on hand they asked us to have. We have been given the instructions on when to go to the birth center, which are extremely sensible: Don't start timing contractions until it's too hard for me to speak through them. Don't call the birth center until hard contractions have been coming every 3-5 minutes for one hour. Stay at home and labor there where it's "safe" and comforting until active labor is firmly established. We're both oddly calm, in the "it'll happen when it happens" mode.

We have a baby care class tonight (nothing like procrastinating, right?) where we'll learn how to change a diaper and bathe the baby, I guess.