Sunday, July 23, 2006

Record High Weather and It's All My Fault

Yah, you betcha. It was 99°F yesterday here (a record over the past high of 87°F) in our little corner of the world and it was DAMN hot. I'm sure this is because I am pregnant and set to simmer anyway. It's been hot here like it is in the East. You shower, towel off, and you're sweaty again. It's that hot.

We went out yesterday to the best hardware store in gay ol' Hillcrest and found an ionizing tower fan for downstairs (we had one for our bedroom at night, but it was just getting ridiculous). Mistah C and I are now in love with the fan. Poems are being composed by the hour to the joys of sitting on our asses in front of the TV with the fan going. Example:

The couch is dampened--
Let us turn the fan to three
With this here clicker.

I didn't say they were good poems.

Anyway, yesterday was T's birthday (oh, we can blame him for the heat!) and we saw the One Man Star Wars Trilogy, which is fabulous if you're a little Star Wars fangirl like me. Happily, I think Terry is a big Star Wars geek too. Watching someone do all three movies in under an hour is damn funny. If you don't know the films backwards and forwards, I'm not sure you'd enjoy it, but if you do, then let me tell you to make sure you see it when he's in town. There's a good balance of plot and editorializing, although he was funny enough I would have liked more editorializing.

I got to play the "I'm more pregnant than you are" game in the bathroom after the show with a woman who's due in two weeks. I won.

But seeing the show was the last scheduled thing I've got pre-kid that I needed to not be in labor for. My last day of work before maternity leave is Friday and I still have a couple things to wrap up, but they're not huge disgusting things.

Last night, I don't know if I woke up with a contraction or if I was awake and noticed I had a contraction, but I had a contraction. Honestly, I thought to the kid, "No, not today. Today is not your birthday; it's too damn hot and you can wait a couple more days to be fully-cooked. I don't want to do this right now, so just chill out." I don't know why that was my gut response, but there it was. I just wanted to go back to sleep. I didn't tell Mistah C since I thought we'd never get back to sleep waiting around for another contraction. I didn't have another one and I'm not in labor yet, so there you go.

The only disturbing thing is that my pinkies keep going numb. When I woke up last night, I noticed it on my right hand and thought I had slept funny and cut off circulation, but both pinkies are still tingly today. It's just my pinkies and they don't appear to be blue or any other color than the rest of my hands, so I'm thinking it's nerves and wondering if I'm finally having some inflammation issues. We've got a midwife appointment tomorrow, so I'll ask about it then.

I have to go back to sitting on my ass in front of the TV. Excuse me.